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We got lucky - what we were talking about resonated with so many people that they wanted to come on board and help. And this got us thinking about who else, and what else, needed to be represented in this initiative, to truly make it an initiative of the people. This is what resulted. These are the adds we want to raise $2,000 to include. You may be in this, and, if you're not, we can guarantee that someone you know and love is in this, so please, give to the campaign to help your brothers and sisters become protected by US Constitution.  

An historic event. An historic time. Be part of history - the right history and make it herstory too.




We have added in protection for Territories like Puerto Rico (thanks, CNP), shorten term limits for Congress (thanks CNP), Restoring Women's Rights to privacy on decisions regarding their health and their reproductive rights (yes, it's necessary), Legalizing Democracy (thanks Move to Amend!). We also tightened up the 'legalese' terminology for much of the current initiative, thanks to help from Eradicating Ecocide (thanks, Polly Higgins) and Natures-Rights (thanks Mumta Ito) and individuals like former Mayor of Glastonbury, UK, Jon Cousins.

Cal Con Con 2.0 – the shorter version, 2018​




This measure shall be known as the California Calls for a Constitutional Convention (“Cal Con Con”).


SECTION 2. Findings and Declarations:


California has already expressed a desire to call for an Article V Constitutional Convention.

  1. Given that the California government issued a resolution in 2014 to ask for California to call for a Constitutional Convention to amend the American constitution to say that corporations do not have the same rights as people and do have limits on how much money they can spend on elections.

  2. Given that California’s participation in an article five constitutional convention is an excellent opportunity to advance specific issues dear to the hearts of many Californians

  3. We believe that justice for all requires constant vigilance and a thorough examination of laws and governmental actions that disproportionately impact diverse segments of society. These beliefs depend on resolutely defending these Californian values, which support every individual’s hopes and dreams for the future;

  4. California hereby resolves to call a constitutional convention under Article Five of the US Constitution to advance the cause of California and the freedom of all American states to take ownership of their future.


SECTION 3. Purpose and Intent.


Title 24 is added to the Government code as follows:




The Legislature of the State of California, speaking on behalf of the people of the State of California, will apply to the United States Congress to call a constitutional convention pursuant to Article V of the United States Constitution for the purpose of proposing amendments to the United States Constitution that would;


Responsibilities and Rights




The Earth, its ecosystems and other species must be protected from the irresponsible use of the powers which people, as individuals and as groups, have at their disposal. Thus the exercise of informed responsibility becomes as necessary a part of the use of humankind's individual and collective powers as the enjoyment of rights.


1.  Civil Rights:

  1. Protect the people’s right to privacy from surveillance without due process, related to proveable emergency concerns that such people are verifiably a danger to the public.
  2. All people affected by US law shall have the right to vote, in perpetuity.
  3. Protect all people's right to be joined in a mutually consenting marriage, no matter the gender or sexuality of each party.

  4. Provide free, reliable and safe Universal healthcare for all citizens, regardless of medical history.

  5. Ensure that all people are legally protected and actively safe from harm from people owning guns or weapons that can cause willfull or accidental damage to themselves, or others - individual or collective.


2.  Civil Community Rights:

  1. Declare that local community governance is the primary authority on the best use of, and protection of, their own natural resources for economic development, for Nature’s needs to thrive, and for local community to thrive; all development needs to be evaluated by each local community for its acceptable impact on their environment so as to protect Nature’s ability to be naturally regenerative, and remain unpolluted and un-degraded. All local development needs to progress in agreement between local community, local government and, where necessary, state government..

  2. Declare that The CA government will consult with Native American communities in timely preparation for Constitutional Convention, to obtain Indigenous People’s formal counsel and voice from them,

  3. Part A: Recognizes all tribes & make sure they actually own land:

    1. Recognize all unrecognized tribes.

    2. All Tribes - now being recognized - each get land equivalent in size of the Jackson Rancheria (900 acres).

    3. All tribal land is owned by the tribe, and not in trust by Federal gov.

  4. Part B: By county the law would be changed:

    1. You can't have a public event over 50 people, unless the tribe of that county gets 15 minutes at the beginning of the even to speak.

    2. You must notify the county and the county will tell the tribe of the offer. Tribe does not have to go, its an offer.

    3. Every community college or university has to have a course on the tribe of that county that is required for a degree.

    4. If a shopping center, school, or major park, or street is build over a native village, they shall be renamed after that village.

    5. Any new land developed has to invite the tribe to bless the land before anything is constructed, or they are invited to be able to speak for the first 15 minutes at the groundbreaking ceremony.

    6. Everyone has to recognize that the land belongs to the tribe of that county.


4.  Business:

  1. Abolish Corporate personhood, and legal immunity, for purposes of campaign finance and political speech.

  2. Ending Corporate constitutional rights and money in elections defined as constitutionally-protected free speech.


5.  Wages:

  1. All things being equal, require all people of equal skill to receive equal pay for equal work, regardless of gender, age, religion, national origin, ethnicity, sexual orientation or race. 


6.  Protecting the dignity of all life:

  1. Nature’s Rights:

    1. Declare that the Natural Environment - aka Nature - is a freely living being with inalienable rights, and that no individual, business entity, government, “owner” or organisation shall inflict violence or servitude on her.

    2. Nature is not mere property but instead does have rights of its own.

    3. Declare that where pollution, degradation or overuse has occurred, Nature has the right to restoration. In the cases of severe or permanent environmental impact, including those caused by the exploitation of non-renewable natural resources, the State - in consultation and agreement with local communities,will establish the most efficient mechanisms for the restoration

    4. Declare that there is a legal duty and obligation for each State and each entity to care for Nature’s inherent rights to a healthy, peaceful, regenerative, existence.

  2. Human Community Rights of Nature:

    1. Recognize that, in order to protect human quality of life and a peaceful coexistence, each community must retain unfettered authority through local law-making to protect and sustain an unpolluted, healthy and abundant natural environment.

    2. Adopt ‘Cradle to Cradle’ design principles wherein industry, local communities, and local, State and Federal governance must protect and enrich ecosystems and nature's biological metabolism while also maintaining a safe, productive technical metabolism for the high-quality use and circulation of organic and technical nutrients. It is a holistic economic, industrial manufacturing and social framework that seeks to create systems that are not only efficient but also essentially waste free and non-polluting.

  3. Food & Water Sovereignty:

In keeping with self-determination of local communities to access and rely on a relationship to healthy Nature and natural resources to promote and protect  viable, sustainable, community life:

1.  Protect people’s rights to collect water and grow food - privately or commercially

2.  Protect independent farmer’s rights to grow pesticide-free food

3.  Protect human communities rights to know and freedom to choose what they are eating or drinking; where it has

     come from, what it has been made with,

4.  Render it illegal to patent life, in perpetuity.

5.  Render it illegal to terminate life’s ability to renew itself, in perpetuity.​

4.  Nature & Community’s health abroad:

1.  Recognize that USA businesses working abroad are standard bearers for highest possible USA environmental 

     and human ethics standards.Failure to do the above renders any offending USA private authority, business,

     individual or organization subject to USA judiciary process in the highest courts.

5.  Clean Energy Commitment:​​

  1. State and Federal Governments to convert away from using extraction fuels to sustainable clean energy sources (clean renewable energy)

  2. Ensure that all actions to shift to Clean Renewable Energy are done in accordance with the most rigorous and urgent timelines presented by the International Community on Climate Change


7.  State Independence:

  1. Create a clear and reasonable path for States to achieve complete independence from the United States should any state so chose.

  2. The People of the State of California hereby instruct their state elected officials to communicate with and support any other American state that is interested in calling a constitutional convention regardless of that American states’ reasons for calling for an Article V Constitutional Convention, with the intent to get enough American states to call for an Article V Constitutional Convention, so that it happens.

  3. The People of the State of California further instruct their state elected officials that if America does not have an Article V constitutional convention by December 25 2019, and if that convention has not changed the constitution of America to include the intent of the language presented in this initiative in topic 5 of section 3, entitled “Protecting the dignity of all life” also by December 25 2019, then California, in order to act on the will of the people to protect their future and their children’s future, will place on the ballot for a vote on November 3, 2020, a question asking “Do you want California to secede from America?”


SECTION 4. Severability


If any provision of this measure, or any part thereof, is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional, the remaining provisions shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect, and to this end the provisions of this measure are severable.


SECTION 5. Proponent Standing


Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if the state, government agency, or any of its officials fail to defend the constitutionality of this measure, following its approval by the voters, any other government employer, the proponent, or in his or her absence, any citizen of this state shall have the authority to intervene in any court action challenging the constitutionality of this measure for the purpose of defending its constitutionality, whether such action is in trial court, on appeal, or on discretionary review by the Supreme Court of California or the Supreme Court of the United States. The fees and costs of defending the action shall be a charge on funds appropriated to the Attorney General, which shall be satisfied promptly.

Shorter version
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