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"We share a planet, let's share our social strength"
Corporations are working to take over the US Constitution. You've seen them doing it with the Government and our local food, lands and waters, and now they want to institutionalize their work in the fabric of the US Constitution. This initiative 'Cal Con Con' is to prevent that from happening. Join us to validate your work, protect your work and support your freedoms. We are about 6 States short of a Constitutional Convention happening - the first in history - and we need to be prepared, so let's be ready to change it for the better, and let's make it herstory too.
This initiative aims to restore the Rights of Nature, the Rights of Life... and a return to Dignity.
The Goal
Protect the future of life.
Re-write US Constitution at the upcoming Constitutional Convention to outline and protect the dignity of all life.
To create a network of collaborative, mutually beneficial, allies, to serve ecological longevity.
Put the rights of Nature into US Constitution.
Put civil rights into US Constitution.
Invite Native American Nations to re-write their needs into US Constitution.
Legally remove Corporations and Government's ability to do harm to the future of life.
Restore autonomy and power to local communities.
Make CEO's or equivalents, personally liable for damage to people or planet.
Make 'legal duty of care' primary for any business, government or individual.
Prepare for Climate Crisis impact and support development of new, planet-friendly, life-friendly, sustainable growth and community development.
Collaboratively disempower ethically compromised people and entities.
Make the Constitution kind, fair and in service of populations to live a genuinely fulfilling and safe life.
Create alliances in service of; co-create far-reaching and genuine relationships with people with the vision to serve life, democracy, people, and the planet, across US States and abroad.
Allow US States to be self-determining and leave the US Union if necessary for the protection of life, freedom, tranquility, and health.
Create an environment where life can thrive abundantly.
De-corporatize America: dehumanize corporations - rehumanize people.
Protect and restore the sovereignty of women's choices over their own health and well-being, including but not limited to reproductive health.
What have we done so far?
Wrote and filed our first detailed initiative (Aug 17, 2017) with the Attorney General of CA, asking the Legislature to represent civil and ecological demands on behalf of their voters at Constitutional Convention.
Received input from Move to Amend, CELDF, RRI, Polly Higgins (Eradicating Ecocide), Earth Law Center, and more (see Allies page).
Our proposal completed its Titles & Summaries stage, early 2017, and we got permission to collect signatures.
We had an influx of new allies and began work on a CCC2.0.
We withdrew our initial initiative, April 2018, in order to take on board these new allies, their input, your input, and strengthen the awareness of the upcoming Con Con prior to starting the big job of gathering 365,880 signatures, early 2019.
What do we want to do now?
Refile an even stronger, more robust, version of the initiative; Cal Con Con 2.0, by January, 2019, to get it on Nov 2020 ballot. It has additional features:
Even more thoroughly ties down Corporate power and removes the possibility of Corporate Personhood, introduces personal liability to CEO's and introduces 'legal duty of care'.
Demands corporate Shareholder commitment to put environmental & civic costs first, before profit.
Invites Native American communities to prepare to self-represent their own demands at the Convention.
Invites Deaf/Blind/Dis-able-bodied voters to self-represent their own demands at the Convention.
Raise $2,000 by Jan 1, 2019, in order to refile. Fundraising page here.
Reach out to Native American Communities, Civil Rights Groups, and Environmental Groups both in CA, USA and contribute to the international community seeing itself in each other.
Extend our relationships with similarly-minded, passionate visionaries.
Why ally? What are the benefits to each of us?
We are all working with a higher, more just vision for life.
Working alongside each other, we can share new information, broaden our reach and raise awareness of each others needs within, and between, our groups; we all win.
If Cal Con Con is successful those results reduce your ongoing workload, gives you a chance to breathe, to choose where to focus next, because if the basics are protected in the US Constitution already you won't have to keep fighting the same battles.
Together we reach more people for each of our initiatives, projects, endeavors - we can ask for help and offer support to each other at key moments.
They can't ignore all of us! And, between all of us, we exponentially gather more people power. Think about that reach! We are talking about potentially millions of people, around the planet, saying YES to a new paradigm based on sharing, mutuality, respect, and unity.
What's involved?
Swapping linked logos to each others work, w/brief descriptions of our work. You would be on Cal Con Con website 'allies and contributors' page. We have over 5,000 members who will see it. You would do the same or a reasonable equivalent.
We announce your ongoing work for People & Planet in our newsletter, with links to your site.
We ask that when we enter our signature gathering stage, you promote our petition to your membership base at least twice in the 6 month period: we need to get 365,880 wet signatures in a 4-6 month period to get our initiative on the Nov 2020 ballot. Signature gathering period will be April 2019 - Nov 2019.
Petitions will be easily downloadable from any site.
Email Clare directly to talk about becoming allies, sharing timely resources, and being strengthened by the reach of community. Email: or reach her through our contact page - we will set up a chat. Looking forward to meeting you.
For those interested in the particulars of a Constitutional Convention, visit our FAQ's page.
We share a planet, let's share our social strength
Need more details? Contact us
We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our Social Media channels.