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Calexit, again: The latest campaign for California’s independence has some ideas for the U.S. Consti
Under the initiative, California’s Legislature would ask Congress to call a constitutional convention, where state lawmakers would...
Jerry Brown announces 2018 SF Climate Action Summit
Speaking to over 12,000 environmental activists in Hamburg, California Gov. Jerry Brown (D) announced plans for a global environmental...
Calexit Not Dead
SORRY MEDIA - CALEXIT IS NOT DEAD HAVE YOU SEEN ALL THAT IS GOING ON - there are multiple Calexit groups doing multiple things This...
The New Nation-States
"It was almost as if California were another country." "If it chooses to, California could probably go it alone." "When Donald Trump...
CA "Soft Secession" in process
Multiple news sources CLAIM: CALIFORNIA IS ALREADY IN PROCESS OF "SOFT-SECESSION" How did Californians spend July 4 - independence day...
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