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CA "Soft Secession" in process

Multiple news sources CLAIM: CALIFORNIA IS ALREADY IN PROCESS OF "SOFT-SECESSION" How did Californians spend July 4 - independence day for America - by talking about how CA is already separating from it. YesCA is for full independence - but many articles in the last few days leading up to July 4 and after it - have said "CA is already acting like an independent nation" given that: 1. Californians are supporting their elected officials ignoring and pushing against multiple Federal laws 2. California officials are acting like they are representing a separate nation - that does not care what America thinks - whenever they talk to foreign nations. These acts are not full independence, and no CA official has said they want that (YET) - but here is proof of multiple news observers saying "looks like CA wants independence … even if they don’t say the word Calexit”. I WONDER IF THERE WAS MORE SUPPORT – PUBLICLY – FOR CALEXIT – HOW MUCH MORE BOLD CA - ELECTED OFFICIALS WOULD BE? Don’t you wonder too? JULY 6 "It was almost as if California were another country." "If it chooses to, California could probably go it alone." JULY 5 "California has become the modern equivalent of the Southern Confederates of 1860. Antipathetic to federal law, and seeking its own coalition with foreign governments" JULY 2 "California was proudly part of America, which tolerated our excesses for our mutual glory. But today, I look at you and feel like I’m an entirely different place" JUNE 30 "With the leadership of California, and in cooperative solidarity with other self-determining states, cities and popular political organizations, we can still emulate the “sacred Honor” of the founders in their commitment to one another, and to separating the new world from the old." JUNE 29 "Who needs CalExit? California is already acting independent" JUNE 29 "The national bifurcation will continue" JUNE 27 "California’s ‘Soft Secession’ Grows More Aggressive"

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