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Calexit Not Dead

SORRY MEDIA - CALEXIT IS NOT DEAD HAVE YOU SEEN ALL THAT IS GOING ON - there are multiple Calexit groups doing multiple things This IS why I came back to YesCA. There is alot going on for the push for California to become a separate nation - but you wouldn't know it from reading the news . - "while a nascent push for Calexit collapsed" - New Republic - "So it’s probably just as well that the “Calexit” movement fizzled almost as swiftly as it appeared."- Santa Cruz Sentinel - "Who needs CalExit?"- Napa Valley Register Yet none of these news reports mentioned any of these groups .. who are actively doing things NOW. 1. FREE CALIFORNIA - getting articles published 2. CALIFORNIA FREEDOM COALITION - have a filed initiative 3. CALIFORNIA NATIONAL PARTY - actively registering voters 4. CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION INITIATIVE - going to file another initiative The news is just not getting out there that Calexit is still alive - and many groups - other than/and not associated with YesCA - are doing things that are bold steps in the direction toward independence!! REFERENCES:

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