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Protecting Earth, around the World, For Our Survival

Working on this campaign, I find myself wanting to make amends for all the years I've sat whilst people around me have failed to do the right thing by Nature. There are so many reasons this matters. Here are the two biggest ones.

Firstly there is the moral issue, the need to recognize the sentience of life, the need to comprehend how we are a part of this huge living system.

Secondly there is survival - ours. If we continue to render species extinct, we continue to push ourselves ever closer to the end of a plank, one that continues to shorten as we allow businesses to pollute and prosper with shortcuts towards shareholder profit.

Here is the excerpt from Bolivian Constitution that protects Nature's rights to regenerate. It's what Cal Con Con is fighting for in USA Constitution - because it's time. Because it's life.

In Andrew Revkin's NY Times article "Ecuador Constitution Grants Rights to Nature" he commented, shortly after its ratification in 2008:

"... as I mentioned last week, the Constitution includes a novel set of articles that appear to be the first in any Constitution granting inalienable rights to nature. Cyril Mychalejko of wrote an interesting column exploring the political subtext and explaining how realities on the ground in that turbulent country may limit the significance of the language. Still, the wording alone is fascinating, as is the simple fact that the provisions were included."

Constitution of Ecuador 2008 (excerpt)

According to the Economist, New Zealand has taken a bold step, naming "Whanganui river, New Zealand’s third-longest, a legal person" in an effort to protect it from pollution. These seem to be the steps necessary to keep up with business having personhood, until and unless we remove the 'personhood' mantle from USA Constitution, which Cal Con Con aims to do.

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