Trump Using Article V to increase debt
In a sign that steps must be taken to appease skeptical House Republicans, a key Houston-area lawmaker floated a proposal that would attach language proposing a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget to the Republican budget resolution – a separate piece of legislation that could see a House vote this month.
Rep. John Abney Culberson, R-Texas, whose west Houston district has been devastated by flooding, said that conservatives could vote for a debt-limit increase in good conscience if they know a major spending reform is in the offing.
“Who could be opposed to a balanced-budget amendment to the Constitution?” he said. “The U.S. cannot default on our debt – that’s just not acceptable. This is a solution that will work.”
While he said his proposal would offer a “clear path” to a constitutional amendment, the process set out under Article V of the Constitution.
Additional Ref: How is the USA monetising the US DEBT?